Gas and Refinery

ONGC Share Price Target 2024, 2025, 2027, 2030, 2040

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If you think about which share will be best for investment in recent times then you should know about ONGC Share Price Target. Today in our blog we will explain the basic idea about ONGC Share Price Target 2024, 2025, 2027, 2030, 2040. We did the research and took advice from experts to make this blog about the company’s growth, performance, etc.

ONGC Share Price Target is a trading share in the share market. In this article, we will discuss the company’s financial growth, the business policy of the company, the shareholding pattern of the company, and the forecast share price yearly. We use expert data and analysis to understand the ONGC Share Price Target Share Price Target. This article may be helpful to those who want to invest in this share right now. Let’s look at ONGC Share Price Target 2024 to 2040.

What Is ONGC Company?

The full form of ONGC Company is Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is an Indian central public sector under the Ministry Of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government Of India. The headquartered of the company is situated in Delhi. The company was established in the year 1956. It is one of the largest government-owned oil and gas exploration companies engaged in Oil exploration, development, and production of crude oil and natural gas. In the year 2010, the company owned Maharatna Status.

Company NameOil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited
Market Cap₹4,03,785.30 Crore
Book Value₹244.23
Face Value₹5
52 Week High₹335.50
52 Week Low₹168.90

Financial Data Analysis Of ONGC Company

We need a basic idea about the company’s PE ratio, return on assets, current ratio, and return on equity. In the below portion, we discuss the performance of the company. ONGC Share Price Target also depended upon the ratio which is described below.

PE RatioReturn On Assets (ROA)Current RatioReturn On Equity (ROE)

History Of ONGC Share Price Target 2024 to 2040

ONGC Share is a bullish trend in the share market. ONGC Share is under both the Indian Stock Exchange NSE (National Stock Exchange) and BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange). The last 6 months’ share growth was +90.40 (39.32%), the last 1 year’s share growth was +149.75 (87.80%), and the maximum share growth was +297.80 (1,323.56%).

ONGC Share Price Chart

ONGC Share price return amount was 16.13% in the last 3 Months, the last 1 year’s share return amount was 91.69%, the last 5 years’ share return amount was 122.13% and in the last 3 years’ share return amount was increased to 178.93%. ONGC Share always gives good investment to investors. If anyone wants to invest in the share it will be profitable long-term basis. Let’s have a look at ONGC Share Price Target from 2024 to 2040.

Also Read – Oil India Share Price Target

ONGC Share Price Target 2024

The main products of ONGC company are Crude oil, Natural gas, Ethane, LPG, HSD, Motor Spirit, Superior Kerosene Oil, etc. The Crude Oil production capacity was 22.612 MMT in the year 2021 and in the year 2022, the amount was 21.989 MMT. The Natural Gas Production capacity was 22.985 BCM in the year 2021 and in 2022 the amount became 21.785 BCM. The company innovated 26 sedimentary basins for oil exploration including Mumbai Offshore, Assam Arakan, etc.

YearONGC Share Price Target 2024
1st Price Target265.36
2nd Price Target465.11

The Sales percentage of the company also increases. In the last 5 years, the sales percentage was 12.23% in the last 3 years the sales percentage increased to 15.12%. In the last 1 year, it increased to 32%. The net sales amount was ₹1,11,412.89 Crore in March 2022, which became ₹1,45,615.50 Crore in March 2023. If we look at the forecast ONGC Share Price Target 2024, the 1st Price Target is ₹265.36 and the 2nd Price Target is ₹465.11.

ONGC Share Price Target 2025

The LPG production capacity of the company was 1,123 Tonnes in the year (2020-21) and in the year (2021-22) the production capacity became 885 Tonnes. ONGC Company also discovered 7 of the 8 hydrocarbon-producing basins of India. The Wells Drilled number was 481 in the year 2021 and in the year 2022, the number was 435. The Net Worth amount was ₹2,123,485 Million in the year 2021 which became ₹2,382,541 Million in 2022.

YearONGC Share Price Target 2025
1st Price Target475.01
2nd Price Target620.85

The profit growth of the company decreased in the last 1 year. In the last 5 years, the profit growth was 15.12% which increased to 43.26% in the last 3 years. In the last 1 year, it decreased to -3.69%. The operating profit amount was ₹42,123.56 Crore in March 2022 which became ₹55,210.56 Crore in March 2023. If we look at the forecast of ONGC Share Price Target 2025, the 1st Price Target is ₹ 475.01 the 2nd Price Target is ₹620.85.

ONGC Share Price Target 2027

ONGC Company operates over 11,000 km of pipelines all over the country. ONGC Videsh one of the subsidiaries of ONGC Company currently completing 15 projects in different 15 countries. ONGC Company has a joint venture with ONGC Tripura Power Company which has a thermal power generation capacity of 726.6 MW CCGT. The company invests above ₹891 Million every year in the R&D sector for more development of Green and Clean Technology.

YearONGC Share Price Target 2027
1st Price Target835.21
2nd Price Target1020.34

The total revenue amount was ₹117,745.55 Crore in March 2022 which became ₹153,130.65 Crore in March 2023. The total operating revenue was ₹1,10325.56 Crore in March 2022, which became 1,45,589.56 Crore in March 2023. If we look at the forecast of ONGC Share Price Target 2027, the 1st Price Target is ₹835.21 and the 2nd Price Target is ₹1020.34.

Also Read – MRPL Share Price Target

ONGC Share Price Target 2030

ONGC Company also produces Synthetic Natural Gas with high Carbon-Di-Oxide Gas conversion. In the year 2019-20, the company held 5th Position as the largest profit-making central public sector on a survey organized by the Government of India among the top 250 Global Energy Companies. The company has a Wind Energy Generation Capacity of 228.36 MU and a Solar Energy Production capacity of 38.49 MU.

YearONGC Share Price Target 2030
1st Price Target1,510.23
2nd Price Target1,745.89

As the company is a very old company and has good market value the promoter holding capacity of the company is 59.23% which means many good investors want to invest in the share. The DII investor of the company is good which is 28% to 29% which is a very good side for the company’s growth. If we look at the forecast of ONGC Share Price Target 2030, the 1st Price Target is ₹1,510.23 and the 2nd Price Target is ₹1,745.89.

ONGC Share Price Target 2040

ONGC Company’s Onshore Oil production capacity for the last 5 years was 6 MMT. The company’s Value Added Products (VAP) production capacity was 3,220 KT in the year 2020-21 and in the year 2021-22, the amount became 3,090 KT. The company’s Oil Production capacity from the Lakhmani Area in Assam achieved 560 TPD which is the highest in the last 14 years. ONGC Company’s dividend amount was ₹45,356 Million in 2021 and in the year 2022, the amount became ₹133,123 Million.

YearONGC Share Price Target 2040
1st Price Target6,253.23
2nd Price Target6,489.52

The ROE percentage of the company also increasing. In the last 5 years, ROE was 12.01% which increased to 14.12% in the last 3 years. In the last 1 year, it increased to 16.23%. The EBITDA amount was ₹59,123 Crore in 2021 which became ₹88,325 Crore in 2022. If we look at the forecast of ONGC Share Price Target 2040, the 1st Price Target is ₹6,253.23 and the 2nd Price Target is ₹6,489.52.

Peer’s Company of ONGC Limited

  • Aban Offshore
  • Asian Energy
  • Cals Refineries
  • Deep Ind
  • Continent Petro

Investors Types And Ratio Of ONGC Limited

There are mainly Four main Types of Investors in ONGC Limited. The company’s growth also depended upon the ratio of investors who invested in the share.

Promoters Holding

Promoters Holding means how much capital is invested by company promoters (owner of the company) through overall capital. ONGC Limited Company’s promoter holding capacity is 60.90%.

Public Holding

Public Investors are individuals who invest in the public market for profit in the future (large and small companies). ONGC Limited Company’s public holding capacity is 3.00%.

ONGC Share Price Chart


Foreign institutional investors are those big companies that invest in companies in different countries. ONGC Limited Company’s FII is 7.90%.


Domestic Institutional Investors (like Insurance, companies, and mutual funds) who invest in their own country. ONGC Limited Company’s DII is 28.20%.

Advantages and Disadvantages Of ONGC Share

Every share has some advantages and some disadvantages also. So, the ONGC Share Price Target also has some advantages and disadvantages described below.


  • The Company has a good profit growth which is 43.26% in the last 3 years.
  • The company is debt-free and the company has a good interest cover ratio which is 19.69%.
  • The sales percentage of the company increased to 32% in the last 1 year.
  • The average operating margin of the company has been 31.23% in the last 5 years which is maintaning very well.
  • The Book Value amount per share also increasing.
  • The company has a good promoter holding capacity which is 59.23%.


  • The company has shown poor revenue growth which is 14.59% in the last 3 years.
  • ONGC Company has many strong competitors company which makes it hard to grow in the competition.

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What is the main function of ONGC Company?

The full form of ONGC Company is Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited which is attached to the exploration, development, and production of Oil and Natural Gas.

Who is the CEO of ONGC Company?

Mr. Arun Kumar Singh is the CEO of ONGC Company.

Is ONGC a private or government-owned company?

ONGC is a central Government owned Company under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.

Should I invest in ONGC Share right now?

ONGC Share always gives good returns to investors. The last 1 year’s share growth was 61.48%, and the last 1 year’s share return amount was 62.88%. The DII investor percentage in the share is 28% to 29%. If anyone wants to invest in the share it will be profitable long-term.

What is the future growth of ONGC Company?

The last 3 year’s profit growth of the company was 43.26%, and the sales growth of the company was also good at 32% in the last 1 year. As the company is under the central government some amount of money is also invested by the Government of India. As the company spreads its business in different countries it will grow more in the coming future.

What is the ONGC Share Price Target for the year 2024?

ONGC Share Price Target for the year 2024 is ₹265.36 to ₹465.11.

What is the ONGC Share Price Target for the year 2025?

ONGC Share Price Target for the year 2025 is ₹475.01 to ₹620.85.

What is the ONGC Share Price Target for the year 2027?

ONGC Share Price Target for the year 2027 is ₹835.21 to ₹1020.34.

What is the ONGC Share Price Target for the year 2028?

ONGC Share Price Target for the year 2028 is ₹1,142.23 to ₹1,310.25.

What is the ONGC Share Price Target for the year 2030?

ONGC Share Price Target for the year 2030 is ₹1,510.23 to ₹1,745.89.

What is the ONGC Share Price Target for the year 2040?

ONGC Share Price Target for the year 2040 is ₹6,253.23 to ₹6,489.52.


Hopefully, will help you gain some basic ideas about the ONGC Share Price Target. By doing the research and taking advice from the experts we ensure that on a long-term basis, ONGC Share Price Target may reach a very high position. ONGC company is mainly related to the Oil and natural gas exploration and development Sector. So the demand for this sector also increases which helps the share to gain profit in the future.

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Disclaimer – We are not SEBI-registered advisors. A financial market is always risky to anyone. This website is only for training and educational purposes. So before investing, we are requested to discuss certified expertise. We will not be responsible for anyone’s profit or loss.

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